Monday, May 12, 2014

Early To Bed and Early To Rise, Makes This Baby Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise!

Randall fell asleep at a record breaking 7:45 pm tonight!!!  That's the earliest he's ever gone to bed. His morning and afternoon naps have merged into a lunchtime nap.

He's already 10 months now this past Saturday and has hit so many milestones. Randall can stand on his own, cruise sideways, walk comfortably in his walker, and make all kinds of baby talk sounds. He loves to sing at the top of his lungs, squeeze his eyes together while grinning up at you, and just this past weekend, he adopted a new expression where he wrinkles his nose and makes triangle eyes.  His left top teeth coming out to join his existing bottom two. I'm getting the sense that Randall is a very happy jokester since he loves to make people laugh.  He is also going to be quite vocal.  As much as I can't wait till he can talk, I'm also dreading it because he may be a total chatterbox.

He has an easygoing temperament and was perfectly fine when another bigger baby snatched his toys from right out of his little hands at yoga class this morning.  I was surprised and a little awed that he didn't feel wronged or possessive of his toys at all.  He is extremely sweet and nice.