Wednesday, July 31, 2013

3 Weeks Old

Happy 3 Weeks-Old Birthday Randall!

To celebrate, Mommy finally created a blog for you!  Here you are dreaming baby dreams with your no-scratch mittens that we got you yesterday.

You're wearing my favorite onesie that I got from Old Navy with the dancing monkey print.

Let's recap your brief life so far...

Day 1: Your birthday!!!  You were born at 3:21 pm on Wednesday, July 10, 2013.  You weighed 8 pounds and 9 ounces and measured 21.75 inches long.  You were such a large, big-headed baby that I had to deliver you via C-section.

The doctors in the operating room were all impressed with how much hair you had and how cute you were.

What a day!  We both look pretty exhausted...

Day 2: Grandma and Uncle Billy oohing and aahing over you when this picture was taken.

Day 3: A professional photographer drops by our hospital suite to take your portraits.  You probably don't remember it at all since you slept through it.  Mommy and Daddy had selected this outfit for you from Janie and Jack several weeks in advance.

Day 4: Fast asleep in the hospital.  You look like a baby angel, all you need are wings!

Day 5: You're awake!  My, what deep black eyes you have!  They match your jet black hair.

Day 6: You're not even a week old, and already you are philosophizing and thinking deep thoughts...Who am I?  What am I doing here?  What is my purpose in life?

Day 7: You're a week old now.  Look at you, bundled like a baby burrito!  I used this picture to email your birth announcement.

Day 8: Mommy decided to take your footprints before you got too old.  Plus, we were about to give you your first full-body sponge bath.

Day 9: A hint of a smile!  Looks like you're just about to wake up.  You love to stretch out your arms.

Day 10:  Looks like you're practicing how to make cell phone calls already.

Day 11:  Grandpa Frank and Grandma Judy came over for dinner hoping to play with you, but you slept through it.

We tried to wake you up, but you were sleeping like mud.  This face looks like you're puckering up for a kiss.

Day 12:  Power to the people!

Day 13: Oops, forgot to take your picture.

Day 14: Bonding time with Daddy

Day 15: Our sleeping prince.

Day 16: You're awake!

Day 17: This is how you normally sleep - in a hands up position:

Today, your umbilical cord came off.  Now you see it:

 Now you don't:

This all happened when Grandma was burping you.

Day 18: Aww, baby acne sets in and we were worried you might be allergic to something I ate.

But you reassured us with your smile, not to worry!

It didn't seem to bother you much and you went back to sleep.

Day 19: We took you out for a drive since Mommy and Daddy needed to get their eyeglasses adjusted.  Here is your usual studious, furrowed-brow look which always has us wondering what kind of baby thoughts are you thinking?

Here's your "don't bother me" look before you fall fast asleep again.  This time, we hear you snore in your sleep!

Day 20: Here's a picture that Daddy Steven took of you yesterday doing a finger mustache gesture that both Steven and your Uncle Billy often do:

Well, that's all for now!

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