Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Getting Vaccinated

Today Randall had his 2 month check up where he got his shots, all four of them - two in each thigh.  He also had an oral vaccine for Rotavirus which he promptly spat out so the nurse had to give him more.  It was traumatizing having to hold his arms and legs down while the nurse administered the shots.  Poor innocent Randall, he went into the doctor's office all happy, not having a clue of what was to come.

After the needle went in, he started screaming and his face turned bright red.  Just when he was about to take another breath, he would get stuck again, and again, and again, and again.  It was as if he was being tortured, the screams got louder and louder.  The doctor had warned me that it would hurt me more than it hurt him.  I kept apologizing profusely to Randall.  Afterwards, I told Steven that he should be there the next time Randall gets shots at the 4 month mark.

Steven was concerned Randall was gaining too much weight and wanted to feed Randall water.  I checked with the pediatrician and she said Randall is absolutely fine the way he is.  Turns out he weighs 12 pounds and 10 ounces.  She recommended only feeding him breast milk and formula for the next 4 months, but no water.  According to the growth charts which are based on Caucasian babies, Randall is around the 50-60 percentile and is perfectly proportional.  She kept telling Randall how perfect he was and showered him with compliments and Randall would laugh and smile back.

Grandma Judy came to visit when we got back home from the clinic and promptly took off the Wylie E. Coyote bandages per the nurse's instructions.  Randall slept for most of the day.

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