Friday, September 27, 2013

Sleeping Like An Adult

Randall slept through the night for 7-8 hours for the last two nights!!!  Hooray!  It is not an anomaly.  I have finally figured out the trick is to swaddle Randall tightly so that he feels warm and secure.  This way, his arms don't involuntarily smack him in the face to wake him up.

Plus, Gloria, the nanny, had mentioned he had only gotten 5-10 minute cat naps throughout the day yesterday because of all the commotion when Ana, our cleaning lady, came over to clean the house.

Unfortunately, I still kept waking up every 3-4 hours since I was so used to it.  It was so strange to hear him so quiet that I worried he may have died in his sleep.  I would hold my breath listening for a sound from him, anything...and usually after a moment, he will resume his deep breathing.  When I woke up at 4:30 am this morning, I didn't hear a peep.  So I went over to his Pack-'N-Play and held my hand up next to his nose to check if he was breathing.  The air moved back and forth every so slightly.  He must have been in a deep sleep.

During my 3-4 hour stints, I kept having vivid dreams.  I had this one dream where my brother and I were trying to get back into our old old old house on 14834 Sagamore Hills Dr.  We were climbing the fence which runs diagonally alongside the covered path between the detached garage and the house when we were attacked by tracker jackets, like the ones in Hunger Games.  However, with each sting, a slim foot-long red needle would be inserted which was coated with a spongy hot pink worm.  I must have gotten stung across my chest and back several times.  I remember trying to yank them out as quickly as possible because if left inside of you, the worms would manifest itself as parasites.  So it was painful both during the sting, and taking out the needles.

My last dream was one where I found knee high leopard print roller skating boots.

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